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Agency Membership Options
Recruiting Pro
950$Every yearÂRecruiting Pro+
1,250$Every yearÂ
Included Features | Recruiting Pro | Recruiting Pro+ |
Agency Profile | Yes | Yes |
Visible in Agency Search | Yes | Yes |
Promotional Images | Yes | Yes |
Promotional Video | Yes | Yes |
Agency Demographics | Yes | Yes |
Customer Support | Yes | Yes |
Email Help Desk | Yes | Yes |
Phone Support | Yes | Yes |
Careers Portal | Yes | Yes |
Publish Careers | Yes | Yes |
Careers Visible in Search | Yes | Yes |
Recruiting Portal | Yes | Yes |
Agency Recruiting Page | Yes | Yes |
Custom QR Code | Yes | Yes |
Contact/Job Interest Form | Yes | Yes |
Contact Management Portal | Yes | Yes |
Excel Contact Exports | Yes | Yes |
Included Automations | Yes | Yes |
New Lead/Contact | Yes | Yes |
New Career Notification | Yes | Yes |
Recruiting Campaigns | Yes | Yes |
Emails (5,000/month) | Yes | Yes |
Text Messages (5,000/month) | Yes | Yes |
Google Suite License | No | Yes |
Customized Email | No | Yes |
Text/Call Phone # | No | Yes |
Dedicated Recruiting PageCustomized recruiting page with agency details, current jobs, recruiting contacts, and more.
Agency Recruiting QR CodeQR code designed with agency's image. Allows users to directly connect to your recruiting page and submit a contact form.
Recruiting Contacts DatabaseAn online database to manage all of the potential applicants who have submitted a contact form through your QR code & agency recruiting page. Includes contact details and positions/careers of interest to applicant.
Email Campaigns & MarketingOur staff creates email campaigns to engages with your recruiting contacts. Including job announcements, career fairs, and more.
Dedicated Recruiting Email & Texting AccountIncluded in your membership, a branded G-Mail suite. Allowing you to have a shared recruiting email/inbox and to text your recruiting contacts all from your computer.
Budget FriendlyTechnical and marketing support from our team, complete access to our platform & tools, all for less than $1K a year.
How can my agency get an Agency Profile on an Agency Profile on our platform is completely free for law enforcement agencies. To create your profile, please visit
How do I manage my account as an agency admin?Once you login, click your name on the top right of the screen and select Agency Hub. From the Agency Hub you can manage your full membership. Note: The Agency Hub is only available to agencies with a Recruiting Pro or Recruiting Pro+ membership.
I would like to contact support but don't want to use chat.Online chat is the quickest way to get a response, but you can also email us ( or call our office (970-508-8813).
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